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Christmas photos with newborn is one of my very favorite styles. I’ve always wanted the opportunity to take he best newborn Christmas pictures and this little guy did not disappoint. The red buffalo check chair paired perfectly with the rest of the set.
Christmas props, decorations and old fashioned teddy bears have always been a studio staple for the fall / winter season. I was so excited I got to do these photos with my vintage campfire marshmallows tin. I often check the antique malls for good prop finds.
It’s one thing to try and get an older child to smile, however newborn smiles just happen. Newborn babies can’t smile on command like kids so it’s adorable when I catch them with that expression. A baby smile like this is usually thanks to the baby experiencing tummy gas.
This adorable wooden sleigh prop get brought out of storage every year and I was so happy I got to use it. Clients often ask me where I get all the things I put babies in. This particular wooden sleigh came from newborn studio props.
You would think that taking Christmas newborn photos would be a difficult thing. This baby made my job so easy! Not only did he give me several smiles for multiple shots, I also managed use a variety of props.
Christmas photos with newborn, I stayed with colors that would be warm and make you feel like putting on a fuzzy sweater and drink hot cocoa. My red plaid scarf paired perfectly with the brown tones on the floor and the wrap.
We do newborn photography best! Christmas photos with newborn babies are my jam.
Little Dove Portraits specializes in newborn Christmas pictures, but we also do cake smash, family, baby and maternity photography.
September 29, 2021
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