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School Photos


Dallas family & child photographer - Little Dove Portraits - Dallas School Portrait Photography

Dallas family & child photographer - Little Dove Portraits - Dallas School Portrait Photography

We aim to satisfy your clients

We’re a small business too and understand how much effort is put into building trust in your clientele. We make sure to offer the same high standards with our portraits as you put into your school. We know your families expect great value and your choice in my services is a reflection.

We make it easy on you

We know running a school is no easy task. Let us take away the stress of picture day by letting us take care of it. We’ll provide the permission slips, model releases forms and even offer a digital “what to wear” guide to email your families. We’ll make sure everything runs smoothly, so it’s a great experience for both you and for the kids. The best part is that you’ll get high-quality portraits that parents will love, with quick delivery and superior service – a win for everyone!

We Keep It SimpleDallas family & child photographer - Little Dove Portraits - Dallas School Portrait Photography

We specialize in young children and understand they don’t always cooperate. Our simple poses and styled setups help the children get photographed quickly and efficiently so they don’t get bored waiting for their turn. We also do our best to pair any siblings together so parents can enjoy portraits of their children together.



Dallas family & child photographer - Little Dove Portraits - Dallas School Portrait PhotographyHand Delivered Service

Once photos are ready for viewing, we will set up a series of 2 consecutive dates where I personally greet your families and present their child’s portraits during pick up hours. Our affordable packages are customizable and begin at $50. There is no required purchase.








We Give BackLittle Dimples by Jayna | Dallas Newborn Photographer

We’re passionate about helping our community and we’re always looking for opportunities to help fundraise. With that, we donate one family session including a mounted print valued at $500 to auction or gift to a family on behalf of your school when you use our photography services. Also, each of your staff members receive free corporate head shots for use online or in print.

Contact us today to schedule your session! Limited availability.

Little Dimples by Jayna | Dallas Newborn Photographer

Baileyana Rose
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