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Star Wars newborn – Plano baby photographer

As a newborn photographer in north Texas, I love it when moms plan ahead and get their session booked before baby arrives. You’ll thank me later when the time comes because that will be one less thing for you to worry about when you’re overwhelmed with caring for your newborn. Each and every session is custom designed for your tastes & home colors because I want you to treasure these for years to come! I am now currently booking November and December 2016.

One of my favorite newborn sessions I customer designed was for my Star Wars twins. Mom and Dad were big fans, so I was super excited when I found out I would have the chance to create a Star Wars Theme.

Newborn twins photography - Star Wars Theme - Dallas Newborn Photographer | Little Dove Portraits - Newborn | Maternity | Baby | FamilyBut that’s not all because once your photo session is complete, we can design a unique one-of-a-kind famed piece of art like this one below:
Dallas family & child photographer - Little Dove Portraits - Dallas School Portrait Photography

Once a deposit has been made towards your photo session, I send you both a contract and a questionnaire to complete which helps guide me in learning your personal style. There’s also info on how to prepare baby prior to your session, tips on what to wear and the importance of your clothing color choices.

Newborn twins photography - Star Wars Theme - Dallas Newborn Photographer | Little Dove Portraits - Newborn | Maternity | Baby | Family

October 5, 2016

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Baileyana Rose
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