The Blog
As an IPC competitor since 2019, I’ve only come away with singular merits here and there for a prize picture. That’s not to say that it’s not an amazing achievement on its own! It’s just not a medal when all 4 of your entries don’t merit (womp-womp). The most exciting part about competing in International Photographic Competition this year is that I walk away with a Bronze medal! I’m so excited to say that I can cross off “become an award winning photographer” off my bucket list.
To be honest, naming my prints never comes easy when I have to come up with a title. A name should connect with the image, and it’s sometimes hard to do when it’s done after the fact. All of these images (except the non-newborn one) were just regular client work.
I always have favorite contest images that lean towards when it comes time to decide what to submit. I will copy these prize pictures off to the side for days when I want to angst over what I should pick. Yes, choosing your 4 can be an exhausting experience!
I may love what I pick but ultimately, these thoughts always haunt me..
“Is it good enough?”
“I think so…?”
“I don’t know!”
This image below is my prize picture of the bunch. Not only is it my baby girl modeling, this experience really was her first day of kindergarten. It was a sad, strange experience I wanted to illustrate as my 4th image.
I am proud and humbled to announce that I am an award winning photographer and earned a bronze medal at IPC 2021. It may sound corny to some, but reaching benchmarks like these for solo entrepreneurs brings loads of satisfaction for what feels like a labor of love.
Little Dove Portraits also specializes in cake smash, family, baby and maternity photography.
October 17, 2021
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